Introspections & Retrospections

Clean-ups and Confessions on Christmas

Just like any previous Christmases I had, it was uneventful. I’ve somehow lost the enthusiasm in looking forward to it, probably for a variety of personal reasons.

Partly, it’s because I’ve grown too attached to my childhood memories where we used to celebrate the entire season at my father’s ancestral home in San Jose, Partido. I remember fondly my favorite cousin, Carlo – we were almost the same age, and both guys. I’ll never forget that particular Christmas with our entire clan, where we both got toy laser swords. We were both so excited and happy, only to realize it was worthless – because whenever we parry the other’s sword, the plastic blade simply broke off.

Strangely, it’s the only Christmas I remember vividly. I keep trying to recall other Christmases, but I only get a vague idea of how they were – unlike this one.  Continue reading

Spiritual Reflections

Pokémons and God

God is not some Pokémon character you can just order around or fight your battles. But sad to say, a lot of us Christians behave that way towards Him. Consider these thoughts:

We like to keep a stash of Pokémon Gods.

We like to choose our own idea of “God” – depending on our need. I’m not saying that it is wrong to recognize God for His attributes; rather, what is wrong is when we become selective of what we think God should be during various circumstances. For example: when we want to get or have something, we instantly claim that God is our “Provider”.

Well, that is true.  Continue reading

Spiritual Reflections

Of Reality and the Real Christmas

“We Are The Reason” is probably one of the most wonderful Christmas songs composed (ABS-CBN’s Bro Ikaw ang Star ng Pasko is included in my personal top ranking Christmas songs). And it does remind us of what the season really is all about.

Yet, with all these preachings and teachings, many people have resigned to just simply nodding in silent apathetic agreement to such messages, without really caring what it means. Because frankly, as much as what we preach is God’s truth, we can’t deny the realities each person is living in. We pound them about the reason for the season, without letting them see the Son in our reasons.  Continue reading

Short Story | Fiction

The (Online) Romance of True Witties

[A short pseudo-story dedicated to all computer-addicted people: We are not alone.]

A pile of neglected laundry waved at me in the corner of my vision, and as always, I chose to pseudo-halfheartedly gaze away from it to focus on my deadline.


I sighed. I wondered whether Murphy’s Law applied to the digital age: when you are at your busiest moment, that’s when all the unimportant distractions pester you. Like this particular chat-friend.

“Ei bro. Musta?”

He’s an old friend from high school, whom I’ve just added on FaceBook.

“Oks lang” was my trite reply.

What else could you say, or want to say? Boo-hoo, I have this problem and that… Get real, nobody bothers to confide to others that directly. In fact, the fastest way to know how someone is doing is by checking out his/her status messages.

Anyway. The conversation ended there. For now. Continue reading

Introspections & Retrospections

Poopularity Stinks

I felt elated when a friend brought the news to me that my political dream team just became real. And so I hurriedly scrambled through the news sites, and et voila! it’s true! So being the Facebook junkie I grudgingly try to deny myself to admit, I nonchalantly posted the news on my Facebook wall.

After a short while, another friend commented on my post – that though they (my political dream team) may be great, the sad fact is they are not popular with the masses. And so, with passions brimming on my heart and mind, I parried back without thinking: “Popularity is fluid.”  Continue reading
