Introspections & Retrospections

Don’t Mind The Gap

She sat there, right in front of him, quietly ignoring his very presence. There’s a sacred wall between them that he knows too well not to trespass: a fragile wall made of music and silence, an unbreakable barrier consisting of indifference and disinterest.

He longed to touch her, just to get her attention. Or maybe just grab and smash those obnoxious earphones: a God-sent device that allows us sweet solitude, a devilish contraption that wrongfully isolates people.

Space: that formless, boundless commodity of our over-populated, hyper-connected world. How often have we longed for it, yet how often have we cursed it. Because even as we wish for some time alone, we find ourselves annoyed standing on the other side of this man-made gap. A fracture that no technology could address, a crevice that no science could fully explore, a trench that one can’t simply refill and terraform.

For what truly separates us from one another aren’t the nautical miles nor mountain ranges, but that immeasurable sense of being not near, of being not here. Continue reading
